Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them
When I think of the greatest mystery God has ever begun, it has to be His transformational work with each of us. I have seen Him transform the hardest hearts, even my own heart. I love the thought that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
We are His workmanship, we are His craft and like an artist, He is passionate for His art. And His goal is to transform us into the likeness of Christ.
God shows us His nature through the things He creates. He is a writer and a poet who has given us His beautiful Word. He is a musician who writes beautiful song; indeed, He teaches every creature the songs that they sing. He is a painter who paints each sunrise and each sunset. He designs beautiful flowers that are so tiny that they cannot be fully seen by the naked eye. He is a stone mason who carves great mountain peaks and deep canyon valleys. He is a farmer, who has planted great forest and deep jungles. He is so much more than we can grasp, yet He bends down low to hear our faint prayers and to touch us and transform us..
God is working on us through grace; helping us each day to reflect a little more of His perfect plan and beauty. Don’t rush His work, He knows what He is doing; keep in mind, He is the Master Craftsman. We are being perfected one day at a time.
Jonathan Edwards said
“Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected.”
An artist uses many tools, and God uses many things to transform us. Sometimes it’s a difficult transformation. We are being perfected by the Lord God All Mighty. He knows what He is doing and we must learn to trust Him. Like hard stone that yields to the hammer and chisel, when we yield our lives to Him, it is then He can begin making His beauty in us.
My hope and prayer this week is that you experience the hand of God on your life. Take time to notice how you are His handy work and how you are designed to reflect His grace, beauty and salvation.
God bless
Pastor Michael
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